Q. What is an Acute Inflammation? A. If there is any damage to our body, such as a knife cut or a nail puncture, it immediately swells up red and gives rise to heat. An 'inflammatory reaction' to protect our body from invading substances that has occurred. As soon as damage is done, chemicals such as histamine are released to mobilize white blood cells to fight the invaders. This is the ‘acute inflammation’, also known as ‘good inflammation,’ which we are familiar with. When our body is damaged by bacteria, viruses, traumatic fractures, allergens, etc., fighting these external factors to protect our body can be called an ‘acute inflammation’.* Source: https://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/06/27/2013062702429.html ▶ 'Delete' aims to cure intractable skin diseases and other diseases by promoting acute inflammation, the body's defense mechanism, and helps patients to quickly return to society.